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The success of Jakarta EE technology relies on compatibility to ensure application portability, security, stability, and resiliency. Compatibility will allow more technology providers to leverage and strengthen the Jakarta EE brand in the enterprise Java community. If you are interested in featuring your product here, follow the steps on the Get Listed page.

Visit Jakarta 9.1 Release Page

Jakarta EE 9.1 Platform

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Apusic AAS 10-EE9
Eclipse GlassFish 6.1 RC1
Open Liberty, Java 11, Java 8
WildFly Preview 25.0.0.Final, Java 17
Preview 23.0.2.Final, Java 11
Preview 23.0.2.Final, Java 8
ManageFish Server 6.1.0
Payara Server Community 6.2021.1 Alpha 1
Thunisoft Application Server 3
TongWeb Application Server 9
InforSuite Application Server 11

Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Eclipse GlassFish 6.1 RC1
Open Liberty, Java 11, Java 8
WildFly Preview 25.0.0.Final, Java 17
Preview 23.0.2.Final, Java 11
Preview 23.0.2.Final, Java 8
Apache TomEE 9.0.0-M7

Visit Jakarta 9 Release Page

Jakarta EE 9 Platform

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Eclipse GlassFish 6
InforSuite Application Server 11
Open Liberty
WildFly Preview 23.0.1.Final
BES Application Server v10.0.0
Apusic AAS 10-EE9

Jakarta EE 9 Web Profile

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Apusic AAS 10-EE9
Eclipse GlassFish 6
Open Liberty
WildFly Preview 23.0.1.Final

Visit Jakarta 8 Release Page

Jakarta EE 8 Platform

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Payara Server Enterprise 5.28.1
Payara Server Community 5.2021.4
Eclipse GlassFish 5.1.0
Open Liberty
WildFly 18.0.0
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.0
JEUS 8.5
Primeton AppServer 7
Apusic AAS 10
FUJITSU Software Enterprise Application Platform 1
FUJITSU Software Interstage Application Server 13
IBM WebSphere Liberty
Thunisoft Application Server 2.8
Oracle WebLogic Server 14c
InforSuite Application Server 10
TongWeb Application Server 8

Jakarta EE 8 Web Profile

Product Name Product Version(s) (click to download)
Eclipse GlassFish 5.1.0
Open Liberty
WildFly 18.0.0
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.4.0
IBM WebSphere Liberty
Payara Server Enterprise 5.28.1

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