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Influence the Future of Cloud Native Java

The Jakarta EE Working Group is the global community of leading technology organizations and individuals that collaborate to ensure Jakarta EE remains relevant and continues to evolve as a true, open platform for innovation.

To drive broad adoption of Jakarta EE, working group members strive to:

  • Deliver more frequent Jakarta EE releases
  • Simplify the process for Jakarta EE compatibility certification
  • Grow the Jakarta EE community with members of all sizes and from diverse industries
  • Manage and increase awareness of the Jakarta EE brand on behalf of the community 

A Level Playing Field Opens the Door to All

The vendor neutral governance model at the Eclipse Foundation ensures every Jakarta EE Working Group member has an equal voice, no matter what size their organization is or how involved they are in the Eclipse Foundation.

The working group operates based on the Jakarta EE Working Group charter that:

  • Establishes the scope, goals, and vision for the ecosystem
  • Identifies all policies, processes, and guidelines the working group must follow
  • Defines the membership levels, types, and fees
  • Explains the power and duties of each working group committee
  • Outlines the rules for working group meetings

Flexible Membership Options

Each working group participant can choose the membership level that matches their size, budget, and business goals. This flexibility means organizations at all stages of development can afford to join. And special, fee-free membership levels allow individuals to participate.
