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联系我们以了解您的组织如何加入 Jakarta EE 工作组.



包括 Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, 和 Tomitribe 在内的世界范围内的Java生态的领导者,正共同努力,致力于促进Java EE 和 Jakarta EE 的发展以支持关键应用和工作负载向云端的迁移。

加入Jakarta EE 工作组表明您不仅致力于Jakarta EE的发展和可持续性,同时也致力于确保一个良好治理、厂商中立的开源生态的发展壮大,您的努力将使所有人获益。

Shape the future of Cloud Native, Open Source Java

Working together, the world’s Java ecosystem leaders, including Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, and Tomitribe, are advancing Java EE and Jakarta EE to support moving mission-critical applications and workloads to the cloud.

Joining the Jakarta EE Working Group demonstrates your commitment not only to the evolution and sustainability of Jakarta EE, but also to ensuring the growth and development of a well-governed, vendor-neutral open source ecosystem which benefits all.


Members of the Jakarta EE Working Group take advantage of the following opportunities:

  • Protect your strategic investment in Java EE, including ensuring the relevancy of your technology and your developer’s skills for the next generation of technology
  • Play a role in defining Jakarta EE strategic themes and priorities to evolve the platform in alignment with your requirements and use cases — and those of your customers
  • Gain insights to and influence over the technology roadmap
  • Shape the definition, evolution, and execution of the specifications process
  • Participate in open collaboration through professionally managed development initiatives
  • Ensure your development teams benefit from sharing best practices and cutting edge information for building the next generation of enterprise Java applications

Member Testimonials


Jakarta EE工作组的成员享有如下的机会:

  • 保护您在Java EE 领域的战略投资,并确保您的技术栈和开发人员技能与下一代技术同步
  • 参与定义Jakarta EE 的战略场景和优先事项,以您及您的客户的需求和用例来发展Jakarta EE 平台
  • 深入了解和影响Jakarta EE 的技术路线图
  • 影响Jakarta EE 规范过程的定义、演进和执行
  • 在规范管理的发展规划框架下参与开放的协作
  • 确保您的开发团队从分享构建下一代企业Java应用的最佳实践和前瞻洞见中获得收益

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